Tuesday 5 December 2017

'Props for 'Of Unsound Minds' draft 2

Image result for mirror
The mirror will be one of the main props in our film as will allow us to add the different personalities into the film in an abstract way.
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Soap will be taken out of the cupboard by Rob in order to wash off the imaginary blood on his hands.
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Knife- taken out at the end of the film in order to build suspense and suspicion amongst the audience as they do not know what Rob is going to do with this prop.

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Clock will show the time that Rob gets out of bed after being unable to sleep due to hearing voices in his head.
Image result for bed
Bed that Rob is sleeping in before awaking due to his mental illness.
Image result for sink
Sink- where Rob goes to wash his face and calm himself down. 

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'Of Unsound Minds' Final Draft