Wednesday 6 December 2017

Feedback on second Screenplay

We again went out and asked for some audience feedback for our second script. Once the audience read it, we asked them 3 questions:
  1. What did you think of the narrative?
  2. What did you think of the dialogue?
  3. What did you think of the ending?
  4. Any improvements you think could be made?
These were each of the responses to the questions.

Feedback 1:

  1. Good narrative
  2. Maybe a bit too much dialogue
  3. Yeah it was good, ties up the story well.
  4. Make the dialogue less repetitive
Feedback 2:
  1. Understood it. It was clear
  2. Dialogue was good
  3. Ending was good
  4. Wasn't clear on whether it was a thriller or a drama
Feedback 3:
  1. Understood most of the narrative but some bits were unclear
  2. I liked it because it definitely shows that Rob is a bit mentally unhinged. Was baffled about the character of Doc and Voices
  3. Good plot twist
  4. Clear up some of the dialogue, to make some parts less confusing
Feedback 4:
  1. Understood the narrative after reading over
  2. Very deep meaning and powerful
  3. Unexpected twist, out of nowhere
  4. Yes, more talking to himself as it makes it clear to the audience about his condition
From this research we were able to discover that our target audience would prefer us to cut out some unnecessary lines in order to make the dialogue of the film more concise as well as making the narrative of the film clearer. They also would like us to make it more clear the purpose of the voices of the doctor and the dead character, so therefore we need to make this more clear to our audience.

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'Of Unsound Minds' Final Draft